The little moments!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the little moments. The moments that most take for granted. The moments that seem insignificant until later. The little moments that I wish I could get back.

The past 3 months I have been extremely focused on the little changes in my body, which if you have had a baby you know is not a good thing. Too many changes to find any sort of regularity. My cycles are out of whack, my signs of my cycle are out of whack, etc…. I have missed the feeling of being pregnant, as well as missing what should have been.

Because of this I have chosen this week to remember the small things and the little moments. How I’m lucky and happy I am to wake up in the mornings, I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, a loving husband. These may seem like “well of course you are grateful for all of that” but it goes deeper. My house needs a lot of work, my fridge needs to be serviced, my back yard needs a lot of TLC, I need new flooring, but I have a roof over my head. My husband and I live paycheck to paycheck, but by God’s blessing, we always have food on the table and in the house, we may not always want what we have, but we have food none the less. My husband and I do not always see eye to eye and I wish sometimes he would help more around the house. BUT I am lucky enough to be able to have those arguments with him. And for some reason I love him even more after every fight/tift/bickering match.

I would not choose anyone else to walk this life with. Matthew looks exactly like him and I love that everyday I look at my husband and I see my son.

When are able to focus on the little things you are able to live with a grateful heart. Even though lately at some point in each day, there is a pronounced sadness I still wouldn’t change it. I am grateful for all of the things that God has blessed me with.

So, what are you grateful for today?

One comment

  1. I am most grateful for each day that seems possibly boring and uneventful because that means all is well in my life. My children are safe and doing well. My grandbabies are happy and healthy, Those I love are not experiencing pain or sickness or loss or trauma. Yes, I will take uneventful with open arms and thanking God for each and every one of them.

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